- Projects and ServicesDiverse | Creative | Sustainable | AccessibleYou've got issues.Creative, applied problem solving on the ground, over the air and where it counts.LawnternativesYour lawn is not your master...so put it to work. Residential and Commercial landscape services. Trades support.Shady NativesProviding native plants and naturalized plants and restoration services that support productive habitatsTrailTracTrail crew support, construction and restoration services with experience and low impact equipment. Erosion and runoff mitigationon the Upper Dan RiverIncorporating community memory in the adaptive reuse of an historic site enables a unique exchange of best practices.IT can be Clear.Technology is not a solution unless it is: useful, affordable and responsive to your needs.Show's on!Bringing entertainment and information everywhere. Movie and music on your site. Licensing, ticketing, promotion...whatever your event needs.
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- What's your problem?...and how can I help solve it?